This review lists some of the best uses with links to the 'how-to' posts so that you can make them yourself. Check out just some of the projects below that others have come with and you’ll find the that the ideas are only as limited as your imagination. I've tried to group the uses into 5 main areas:
obstacle course ideas
water games and activities
ideas to help you teach your lesson
energetic games
design and construction.
Of course, I soon discovered that there are other ideas, too, but many of these related more to life hacks and safety at home. And, even as I added ideas to this post, I noticed that other ideas were being added online. So, if you’d like to add other ideas, that you've created or seen that need an honourable mention, please list them below in the comments or add them to the Google+ post.
Do you have an upcoming spies or secret agent theme- anything that requires training, skills or activity? There are many ideas for using pool noodles to create colourful and fun obstacle courses. Most of the ideas can be used indoors, too, which makes them versatile for any weather conditions. With kids’ safety in mind, pool noodle constructions are relatively soft and less hazardous for energetic kids. Check out some of the ideas below. You can find links to the instructions here:
When the temperature soars, there’s nothing quite like water fun for kids and pool noodles provide more fun than just as a pool toy. Check out some of these inexpensive ideas for your next water-fun kidmin event.
Noodle Sprinkler Water Wall Water Tunnel Slip&Slide Sailboats Water-raft
There are many ways that you can use pool noodles in your lesson presentation, too. Whether you need swords or arrows, rainbows or boats, you’ll find it’s easy to create them with pool noodles. You might even want the kids to make their own, Check out some ideas below.
Swords Horses Rainbows Bows&Arrows ArkoftheCovenant Boats
Whether it’s part of your program or a midweek kids’ club activity, there will be times when you really need to provide some energetic games and fun. The fun is laid on when you include pool noodles. Check out the following ideas, with the links below, as starters. You’ll probably think up other ways that you can include these great resources for your own needs.
Croquet NoodleTargets GiantRingToss GiantBaseball IndoorBasketball RingToss
With a bit of creativity, these versatile pool noodles can even be used for your next decorating and display project. Whether you’re considering a simple project like the pool noodle lollipops for a sweet entry to a room or area or a more elaborate display, the bright colour and light but sturdy material allows you to create wonderful, eye-catching features. The pool noodle furniture ideas are just wonderful, and the fort is something that the kids would love to help you with, too. While a fort might not be something you need, the basic idea would allow you create any structure you require. Please add your own ideas below.
Furniture Flowers Vines Fort Display Lollipops