~If you have a mother, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.~ Robert Brault

I'm sure you have organised, prepared and presented your Mother's Day promotional material and prepared the Mother's Day activities, media clips, breakfasts or brunches and the presentations to highlight the importance of mothers in the lives of every one of us.
But... have you organised and prepared a small gift for the kids to make and present to their mothers?
It's not easy, is it? While there are some lovely handcrafted gift suggestions on Pinterest, not too many are easy for kids.

Soap decals
So, we're creating decals on soap. This is something that was very popular a few years ago.. actually, quite a few years ago, which dates me considerably. But then everyone switched to beautiful hand and body washes. Lately, however, you would have noticed a growing number of lovely, natural soaps bursting with botanical essences and sweet natural fragrances.
So, we're going to re-create these simple soap decals for Mother's Day.

The technique is simple- it really is. First, you'll need the following:
* soap - try to find some that have a relatively smooth surface.
* white PVA glue
* small plastic lids (squeeze a small amount of glue onto the lids for the kids to use- it prevents glue going everywhere.)
* cotton buds
* clear nail polish. I found some with glitter that gives a lovely frosted finish.
* decals. (You can use stickers or have the kids cut out small images to use. I've included a printable below (floral and with kids), in case you need some.
* small cellophane bag with tie
* gift tag

1. Cut out a small decal.
2. Using the cotton bud, smear white pva glue over the entire back of the decal.
3. Gently press on to the soap and smooth out the decal to ensure it is sticks well to the surface of the soap.
4. Stress care with the kids, and paint a coating of clear nail varnish over the decal ensuring that it extends a little beyond the edges of the decal. (Please open your windows to ensure fresh air circulates. While the aroma of nail polish has certainly improved, it can be a little overwhelming in a closed space.)
5. It will take a few minutes to dry but then it can be slipped into a cello bag.

7. Add a small gift tag and it's done.
There are small gift tags included in the printable files below. Print the decals and gift tags onto paper that is a little thicker than the normal bond.. perhaps 100 or 110 gsm. Punch a hole in the gift tag to thread through the ribbon or twist.
If you're looking for other gift tag designs, you might like to check out this collection from Jen @tattertots&jello
The decal and tag printable is listed below. The first is a floral design and the second includes kids.. see below...
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More creative ideas for Mother's Day