So.. what do kids think about grandparents?
'Grandpas and Grandmas like to play games with grandchildren, listen to them tell what happened in the park and at school and answer questions. They especially like to read stories to grandchildren from big books with lots of pictures.'
'Grandmas and grandpas are older than mothers and fathers. They usually have grey hair or white hair. Sometimes grandpas have no hair at all, but that's alright because grandpas don't need to use a hairbrush and comb every morning.'
'Grandma lives at the airport and whenever we need her, we just go and pick her up.'
The Bible highlights the importance of age and wisdom,too. Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. (Prov16:31) Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. (Job 12:12)
Celebrate this special event with your children's ministry and church family with some of these activities:
* Special diplomas for the kids to complete and hand to their grandparents... here
* Print off this special booklet of things to do with your grandchildren to give to the grandparents on Grandparents (Ensure your printer settings are on 'booklet' before printing.)
* Show one of these grandparents day clips... see below
* Print off the Grandparents Day table decorations and present a special morning-tea for everyone, especially the grandparents, following the service. See file below.
grandparents_day.pdf |