Why Blu-tack?
Statistics tell us that Australians buy more than 3 million packs of Blu-tack each year.When we need kids to pin up pictures and Bible points in our lessons- Blu-tack. When we want kids to rearrange the words for our Bible verse on the wall, we use Blu-tack. When we organise our decoration materials to redesign for a new theme, Blu-tack is top of the list. When we restock our resources cupboard and trolleys, Blu-tack is an essential.
So, I thought it might be helpful to include some suggested uses for Blu-tack that we've found in our work in children's ,ministries. And, I'd love you to include your own suggestions and ideas, too.
10 uses in kidmin:
1. Use a blob as a replacement for lost paint container caps.
2. Give restless kids a blob to play with, sort of like a stress ball.
3. Attach balloons to walls and ceilings with Blu-tack.
4. Stop the buzz of a vibrating speaker with a wad of Blu-tack.
5. Position a small ball of Blu-tack under a projector to level the projection.
6. Use to create figures for your Bible story. (It also works well to use the figures to create a stop motion clip.)
7. Hold paint pots in place to prevent kids tipping them.
8. Attach a blob to the whiteboard to hold markers.
9. Pick up spilled beads easily with a blob of Blu-tack.
10. Use a ball of' Blu-tack to secure the 'Special seat' prize to the base of one of your kidmin chairs.
I've even heard of rolling some into a string to contain a paint spill. What creative uses have you devised for Blu-tack?
Click on the Youtube clip below to see even more ideas for that versatile product, Blu-tack.