(N.B. If you're looking for a quick review of this program, skip down to the rating of the station activities and resources listed below.)
Group has produced a really versatile program. Although it has been designed as a 5-day VBS program, some other suggested options for running this Weird Animals program are: weekday mornings or afternoons during school holidays, during the evenings as a special outreach program, a special event for your midweek kids' club, day camp, Sunday mornings, a weekend retreat or a 10-day VBS.
We ran the program for a term (10 weeks) during our regular children's church time. We covered each Bible story and Bible Point for 2 weeks in a row.There are more than enough resources and materials and it was quite helpful to reinforce the lesson for the two week period. The Weird Animals Director's manual outlines just how you can organise the program for this style of presentation.

So... what did we really appreciate and was there anything that could be improved? Honestly, if you used this hugely detailed program and didn't rave about it, there must be something amiss.. Of course, that is something that you do need to anticipate- there is a lot of information to go through; but you'll probably find it exciting rather than daunting. You'll just want to jump right into it.
But the manuals are very clear and whenever possible, instructional dvds have been included.

The decorating ideas are incredible- wonderful if you have the space and the people to create such an beautiful themed environment. We didn't... and we also had the difficulty of creating an environment that wouldn't interfere with the other groups who use the kidmin area during the week.
So, we did our best with backdrops and posters (both of which are very colourful) and added smaller areas of the huge cardboard flowers, foliage and pool noodle vines. (Pool noodles are wonderfully versatile!) It was enough it make the kids dance with excitement and drew admiring comments from the adults.. so I'm sure you could use the ideas to create marvelous displays.

As with everything else in this program, you'll find many helpful ideas and suggestions for promoting your event and the available clipart is really helpful. You'll also find bulletin inserts and flyer templates, news release and parent invitation. You can purchase posters, banners and t-shirts. There also is the option to set up your Weird Animals website to enable families and volunteers to register online for your event.

Social media
Another important means of promotion is social media and some program publishers are beginning to include resources for this use. I would have liked some ideas and promotional materials for use on social media both to promote Weird Animals and to add some interest throughout. We snapped photos of the snacks and the decorations and included info about the lessons and Bible points but some simple graphics would have been really helpful and would save helps of time.

These collectibles are great. The characters come alive with the free app and reinforce the Bible point and verse. The kids can also feed and groom their creature. The dvd clips for each character are quality clips and the kids love learning about each animal and the Bible point each teaches.
I really appreciated the interactive Bible learning experiences but these will work best with an experienced leader. These segments are 'designed to prepare the heart of each child to receive the gospel message in an unforgettable way'. We certainly had some amazing responses for the kids. We felt, though, that we needed to be quite clear for those who were really seeking to make a step of faith, and we presented a simple ABCs of salvation. You might like to speak with your leaders and include this yourself.

So... what else is there? Well, yes, there's more... name badges and holders, buddy chains, zoo keeper boxes, sticker sheets, photo frames, water bottles, parachute and more. There is also a Preschool and Youth program- Zoo Zone.
Any negatives? Well... for those overseas, the cost is really daunting. Yes, I know it's the postage.. There are some downloadables which is great, but many leaders will now only consider programs which are fully downloadable. I can certainly understand.
You'll find a simple overview of the different activity stations listed below including a rating for each activity.

This music and worship segment is the first activity station for evnad eryone.
What did we like about it?
- Great music and easy actions
- Kids loved copying the other kids on the clip doing the actions.
- The words of the songs reinforce the Bible lesson and Bible point.

A Sciency-Fun Gizmo that connects with the Bible point that kids can take home.
What did we like about it?
- All the kids loved the gizmos.
- The activities required very little set up time.
- The gizmos were very cost-effective.

Zany games that also teach. Fun games and simple to organise.
What did we like about it?
- Plenty of game options
- Energy level information for each game is provided
- Low energy games could be used indoors (bad weather).

These Bible stories are not merely told, but experienced. What did we like about this?
- Kids were very involved in the lesson and content.
- These segments work best with an experienced leader and extra time is needed to rehearse some of the segments where more than one character is required for the story.

Kids meet real kids who rely on God as they face different life challenges.
What did we like about this?
- Life application was a really good concept- kids enjoyed watching.
- Some of the segments were difficult for kids to hear and understand, especially when adults were interviewed- needed to simplify the content.

What did we like about this?
- This was one of the most popular activity stations.
- They loved making the snacks themselves.
- Some kids would ask how the snack illustrated the Bible point before we even started.

The home connection is always a challenge. Will there be any follow-up at home?
What did we like about this?
- We knew that the Bible bands were going home- they were well attached.
- The printed material and content was well produced.
- You need to remind parents about the extra content on the bands.

The collectible Bible Buddies and downloadable app were an instant hit. What did we like about this?
- They were a wonderful incentive for new kids to come along.
- Great reinforcement of Bible point and verse- good dvd clips of animals.
- Kids enjoyed brushing and feeding their Bible Buddies.

The intense brightness and colour added instant appeal for children arriving for this program. What did we like about this?
- The instructional dvd was great!
- The posters are wonderful- amazing colour.
- The animals had instant appeal for kids.