It generally involves checking with all your volunteers to see how often, in what department, and in what capacity, they'd like to be involved for the term. This usually means pages of sign-up forms and other information to sift through, only to discover that many of your volunteer team have not completed or returned the forms and that you'll need to chase the information. You'll need to find out if there are particular dates when they will be unavailable. And, if any of your volunteers is involved in other ministries, you'll need to check that the rosters don't conflict.
I'm sure that you, like many others, have muttered to yourself, 'There must be an easier way to organise these rosters!'
Programs like VolunteerSpot provide simple online or mobile planning and sign-ups.
They are easy to use. There is no need for special emails or ringing around to find out which dates are best for volunteers or when they will be unavailable. You'll find no need for signup sheets and no missing information. And... reminders are sent out automatically. Plus.. it's free!
Yes.. there will be an initial period of acquainting yourself and your team with the new program, if you decide to go with it. But after that, you'll find your life so much easier. You'll be able to involve volunteers by email, website link, Facebook or Twitter. But, more than that....
- It's safe and secure.
- It's easy to schedule volunteers for the same day and time every week/month simply by scheduling repeating spots.
- You can include lists of items you need leaders or helpers to bring or donate to your events or program with a quick item entry.
- Volunteers can request replacements or substitutions of some other volunteer, themselves, using the program if they're unable to make their volunteer commitment time-slots. (Imagine how this alone would save you worrying about finding a last-minute replacement for Sunday mornings.)
- Easy email options provide you with tools to communicate with individual or groups of volunteers regarding particular programs and last-minute details.
- Online videos help acquaint you with the program and how to implement it to the best effect.,, see here
If you're introducing this new process, make sure that you give everyone time to become aware of the changes and why. Explain via letter, newsletter, email, via announcements, during meetings and in person. Offer to assist anyone who is struggling with the new system.
Make yourself available and use the Volunteer Spot iPad app 'Clipboard' to sign-up people, in person, who may feel anxious about doing it themselves initially. Reassure your team that paper lists will still be available for those without internet/email access. (These can be generated through Volunteer Spot.) Take a bit of extra time now to introduce the changes, and you'll find yourself with plenty of extra hours later to use in other kidmin prep. |