The sudden cold snap hit and I found myself in bed with a heavy cold; and I wasn't the only one. Reduced attendance at church and in our kidmin programs reflected the numbers struggling with colds and flu.
So... what is your strategy for following up and encouraging these sick kids? Do you send a card? What about those children suffering long-term illness?
they experience God's love for them while they're unwell.
1. Get Well Card You can purchase these or download the free card design and print onto light card.Coordinate with bright coloured envelopes and have them ready to use. Kids love to receive something in the mail but it's even better if the other kids from your kidmin group add their own messages and reminders that their prayers are with those unwell. I've also included below some suggested wording for your get-well cards. Sometimes the hardest part is finding the words to reach out in love and brighten a sick child's day. |
| 2. Get Well Clip Kids can take a while to recover from illness and it would be a great idea to follow up with fun little clip. Email this bright and humourous get well clip from Smilebox with a short message. |
3. Get Well Pack Most children are up and running within a week of contracting a cold. But others may experience extended or long-term illness. If so, a weekly activity pack to help occupy the child and fill in those empty hours could be a good idea. I start with a basic pack from Busy Nippers. (We use their activity boxes with extras for our visitor's packs on Sunday mornings). Each pack includes colouring pages, puzzles, pencils stickers and more. Add your kidmin weekly take-home devotion and newsletter. If it's not too difficult, include Sunday's craft activity or the completed project. The weekly packs connect with the family and are a welcome reminder that they haven't been forgotten. You might also like to remind parents of any kidmin resources available that they may like to access, such as kidmin dvd library, puzzles, games, if you have these types of resources. |
It may be helpful to think beyond the child to consider the whole family if there is a serious, long-term illness involved. This situation can be stressful and exhausting for the whole family. Check to see if it would be helpful to provide family meals or paid vouchers to local takeaway restaurants.. Check, too, for any dietary requirements, food intolerances and allergies. You may be able to organise a roster for providing these meals and visiting with the family. Always check first. While most would really appreciate this encouragement, others may need their own space.
Some children will need hospitalisation. This can be quite traumatic for both child and family. A warming buddy (or the equivalent) provides soothing warmth and natural relief from aches, pain and stress and a visual reminder for the child, that is with them throughout this experience, of your love and ongoing prayers.
You can find these Warm Buddies online here but I also found a similar item at Target so check around..Stock up for those times when you need a special gift for a child who is going through a difficult time.
Even though you can't see them, this card is filled with big prayers, happy smiles and warm hugs | Oh no! You're sick! | We heard that you're not feeling well. We've been asking God |