Why develop a Facebook page
Creating and developing a ministry Facebook page or other social media increases your ministry's reach by creating opportunities to connect with others and build community with those involved in your ministry.
It also allows you to connect beyond your church and ministry to those who hear about your ministry and want to check you out. So, simply creating a page is not sufficient. You need to regularly add content, information and updates to your page to generate interest and build community. If you want some help with starting this, check out this post from Media for Ministry.
When to post
It's helpful, too, to develop a posting schedule. Don't try and do too much at once. We stick to one post per day for our kidmin Facebook page and have found it works best if we post around 6pm. I expect that's when everyone is relaxing at home and taking time to catch up on their Facebook news. We find it easier to upload all our weekly content at once and schedule the posts for particular days. That way, it's done and complete for the week.
What can you post?
Add information about your programs, the kids' memory verses, reminders for upcoming events, plus hints about your next week's lesson and activities. If you'd like some ideas, you can check out our TweedKids Facebook page HERE..
You can find additional information on the New Chapter Facebook page that you might like to share or re-post on your own ministry page.
'Like' our page to receive updates and information- see HERE.