Kids 4 Truth seeks to inspire and equip churches and children's ministries to reach and teach children God's truth in relevant ways that impact lives. Ultimately, they want children to develop a genuine relationship with the one true God.
Kids4Truth website
You might like to check out the site, here, to see some of the materials and resources: materials for kids clubs that can also be used for other programs, devotions, mini downloadable clips, and more.
Bible memory app
You can also find information about their Bible memory app- Kids 4 Truth Memorize it! This app is available as a free Lite version or full version- $10.49.
The app, for kids Pre-K through to grade 6, is designed to lay the foundation and provide the building blocks for understanding who God is and how He wants us to live.
How it works
Download the app and then add a player/user. Choose a level, choose a treasure hunt and then a treasure.The player can listen to the verses or Bible truth and repeat them until it has been learned- and earn awards.
The app utilizes visual, audio and reward features to teach these Bible truths. Seehere for more information.