Over and again, studies highlight the benefits of reading to your kids.For example, a study was made in Rhode Island Hospital to compare two groups of eight months old – one group was read to often as babies, while the other was not. It was shown that those who were read to have their “receptive” vocabularies (number of words they understand) increased 40 per cent since babyhood, while the non-reading group increased by only 16 per cent.
Kimdoma is an app that enables you to read aloud with your grandchildren any night of the week, whether they live next door or kilometres away.
The app combines e-books with video calls which means that you can share the book on your individual iPads. You and your grandchild can choose a book together- there are 26 popular stories in the Kindoma library. The screen displays both the book and video of both you and your grandchild.
Either of you can turn the page and an indicator also pops up on-screen when one person is pointing to a particular word or picture. For a better understanding of how this concept works, check out the clip below.
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