A constant refrain for many families is, 'Life is too busy!' and, while we acknowledge its truth, we seem incapable of slowing down. But it's especially important to slow down sufficiently to take photos, regularly, of our kids and grandchildren. Someone once said that film of childhood can never be run through for a second showing, and if we miss those moments, those days, those seasons of our children's development, we can never reclaim them.
One way to set up a regular photo reminder to record a memory is to use the app TinyBeans. If you missed our earlier review of this app, you can read it here.
It's also helpful to have a suggested list of photo ideas or suggestions to help you create an unique and meaningful snap of your family. Rebecca Cooper has provided free downloadable lists to trigger your imagination and make these photographic moments fun! You can check out her list 'Embrace the Camera: 50 photos to take with your kids' below (just click on the illustration to enlarge) or see more of her lists on her site here.
Her books, 'Don't Say Cheese', and '40 Top Tips for Better Photos' provide you with ideas and tip to help you make the most of any photographic opportunity with your children. Your can find her books here.
One way to set up a regular photo reminder to record a memory is to use the app TinyBeans. If you missed our earlier review of this app, you can read it here.
It's also helpful to have a suggested list of photo ideas or suggestions to help you create an unique and meaningful snap of your family. Rebecca Cooper has provided free downloadable lists to trigger your imagination and make these photographic moments fun! You can check out her list 'Embrace the Camera: 50 photos to take with your kids' below (just click on the illustration to enlarge) or see more of her lists on her site here.
Her books, 'Don't Say Cheese', and '40 Top Tips for Better Photos' provide you with ideas and tip to help you make the most of any photographic opportunity with your children. Your can find her books here.