Family ministry events
We've planned some seasonal events- Easter, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day. We've also planned a Enchanted Woods High Tea, a musical concert event with special guest artists, an outdoor movie night for the whole family and much more. We know that there are some in our community that have had no connection with churches. If some of these families attend our events and enjoy the experience, that's great. But we really hope and pray that their hearts will be touched and they want to know more.
Other ways we connect
We also provide helpful booklets, articles and leaflets that relate to families, children and parenting. We encourage families to take these home and read them. After school tutoring programs have been very helpful for students who need a little extra assistance with their studies.It's another way that we can support and encourage families.

I know it doesn't seem like it, but a response form is another way to connect with families. I know that many churches do not like to provide response cards or forms. They may feel it encourages negativity or that it may discourage the volunteers and helpers who work so hard in the ministry.
But a response form sends that message that visitors are important. We want our visiting families to feel comfortable, that they matter and that we want them to return. I think, too, that it's helpful for us to know more about them and focus our attention on them and their needs rather than feeling comfortable and complacent in ways we've always done things.
We also ask how families have learned about our church and our events in the response card. It helps us decide how best to promote our events and how we can improve. If you've never used these, it might be worthwhile considering. I've attached a simple form below that you might like to use or alter for your needs.

response_form.pdf |