Kids learn best when they move beyond passively receiving information to experiencing, interacting and engaging in learning activities. In others words, having fun and learning through play. How much more important it is, then, to learn, understand and experience Jesus and His love for them through fun learning programs and activities!
Use this simple idea, a wooden ruler, and include it with your other learning experiences about giving while learning the Bible verse, Luke 6:38.

But, while you're having fun measuring, include some time to discuss things that can't be measured, that only God knows: how much we care for others and how cheerfully we give.

You will need for each child:
* a wooden paint stirrer
* sandpaper
* glue stick
* ribbon
* ruler design file.. see below
I found, at our local hardware store, that paint stirrers are free so this makes the craft an especially inexpensive activity.

1. Download the file below and print off copies of the ruler design. Kids will need to cut out their copy and ....
2. Lightly sand the paint stirrer.
3. Spread glue over the paint stirrer and adhere the cut out paper ruler to the wooden stirrer.
4. You will notice that the design, the decorative edge, extends beyond the width of the stirrer so this will fold around to the back of the stirrer.
5. Kids can write their name on their ruler and add the Bible reference.
6. To finish the creation, they may like to add some decorative media to the handle or tie some ribbon.
And that's it... simple.

luke_6_38_ruler.pdf |