Obviously, the craft activity should relate to the lesson, the Bible point or the Bible verse as a basic reinforcement of the lesson or as a stimuli for discussion. But sometimes, it's difficult to find a craft that does relate to a particular lesson. It may also be difficult to find a craft that both girls and boys will enjoy.
That was certainly our experience, last Sunday. We've been enjoying one of the programs from Elevate- 'Altitude'. The program deals with lessons from the Beatitudes- Jesus' sermon on the mount. The Altitude program welcomes kids to the Anaconda Mountain range, home to some of the world's toughest peaks and also home to Altitude, the best base camp and climbing shop there is.
Great! The kids have enjoyed the lessons and some of the great climbing style games and activities included in the program materials. But we just needed a craft activity that everyone would enjoy. The focus of our lesson was Matthew 5:5: God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.
So... we created the following frig magnet idea. You can download the background file if you wish to use the idea yourself.
Each child was given a background printed sheet and a coloured card frame. The background included the Bible verse and Bible point. They needed to glue the frame to the background, and then attach a magnet to the back. Last, they had to learn to tie a Figure 8 knot into the piece of twine they were given. They did really well.. and yes, even the boys were involved in the activity. | You can find animated instructions for this and other knotshere.. |

be_humble.pdf |