With less than a week before Christmas, almost every email I've received today has started with the words, 'It's not too late to order for Christmas!' But if you have downloaded the Christmas badge Countdown app, you will know exactly how many days, hours, minutes and seconds before Christmas.
Hopefully, all your gifts have been bought and wrapped and your Christmas cards signed and sent to friends and family. If you have missed someone, it's not too late to send them Christmas greetings. Dayspring cards have a wonderful selection of animated Christmas cards that you can email or schedule to be sent at a particular date and time.
Take a moment or two to sign up for a Christmas or Advent reading plan from YouVersion. You can even track the number and location of those reading the Christmas story across the world with the YouVersion Christmas Story tracker.. here.
Read the story of the Nativity to your family with the Very First Christmas story app ... see here
A Charlie Brown Christmas is an interactive storybook classic that highlights the real meaning of Christmas.
For some Christmas fun with the family, check out some of these apps:
* Hidden Objects- Christmas update with 50 levels
* Christmas Tree Maker pro- create the perfect Christmas tree
* Christmas maze game- 3D Christmas race experience
* Magic Puzzles Christmas- easy to operate with 4 levels of difficulty
* Player Piano Plus- the sheet music shows the notes to play as the piano lights up. Play along with a full accompaniment.
Hopefully, all your gifts have been bought and wrapped and your Christmas cards signed and sent to friends and family. If you have missed someone, it's not too late to send them Christmas greetings. Dayspring cards have a wonderful selection of animated Christmas cards that you can email or schedule to be sent at a particular date and time.
Take a moment or two to sign up for a Christmas or Advent reading plan from YouVersion. You can even track the number and location of those reading the Christmas story across the world with the YouVersion Christmas Story tracker.. here.
Read the story of the Nativity to your family with the Very First Christmas story app ... see here
A Charlie Brown Christmas is an interactive storybook classic that highlights the real meaning of Christmas.
For some Christmas fun with the family, check out some of these apps:
* Hidden Objects- Christmas update with 50 levels
* Christmas Tree Maker pro- create the perfect Christmas tree
* Christmas maze game- 3D Christmas race experience
* Magic Puzzles Christmas- easy to operate with 4 levels of difficulty
* Player Piano Plus- the sheet music shows the notes to play as the piano lights up. Play along with a full accompaniment.