'Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.'
What a blessing it is to be a Grandparent! Apart from the obvious joy of the precious times spent with the Grandchildren, God tells us that we do have a responsibility in helping their parents to bring them up and develop them into adults who love and cherish Godly values.
Psalm 145:4 says: 'One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.'
The Bible tells us grandparents, repeatedly, to pass on our experiences, and to teach the next generation. Our grandchildren are growing up in a totally different world from the one in which we were raised. I have a 22-month-old who already works the iPad, iPhone and iPod. Texting and tweeting, Face Book and chat rooms, are the main socializing tools our grandchildren will be familiar with. The peer pressure on our grandchildren is enormous. So how do we fit in with this?
Can we make a difference? I believe we can. The love of a grandparent is very special. We love them; and can be there for them; be the lap they can climb on; the best friend they can touch and hug, and the understanding ear that listens. We stand a much better chance of keeping their affection as they grow into texters and tweeters.
If we can keep a close and strong bond with them through their teen years, our influence in setting Godly values will stand with them for life into their own marriages. Our legacy is that of imparting those values and the example of a strong Godly marriage relationship that they will want in their own lives.
Pray for your grandchildren every day, thanking God for the blessing they are. Pray for wisdom for your children and for yourselves in your dealings with them.
We have inherited this concern from our loving Father and He wants us to be involved in leading our grandchildren to Jesus.
Grandparents can pray, and prayer does change things. Prayer is not a last resort, but the most important thing we can do for our children and grandchildren.