Probably the most convincing argument for the importance of children's ministry is the research on the probability of people accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior for a lifetime relationship. Research by George Barna and the Barna Institute of over 1,000 adults in May 2001 puts the probability at
- 32% for children between 5 and 13 years old,
- 4% for children between 14 and 18, and
- 6% for people 19 years and older.
Non-religious oriented research on children's moral and values development substantiates that the foundation for lifelong values and morals are formed at the earliest years.
So how can you share the importance of children's ministry and your passion for the eternal impact of this work? Kidz Blitz has a number of great posters with quotes about kids and children's ministry that you may like to use with your volunteers or to introduce any training sessions. They would actually be great to print as posters and display on your kidmin walls. Or... perhaps you could share them on your kidmin Facebook page.
There are also some movie clips that can be used to highlight your focus in children's ministry. The Rethink Group's 252 clip (Orange) reminds us that the time we have with kids is limited. Check out the clips below:

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"Train up a child in the way he should go, and
when he is old he will not depart from it."
(Proverbs 22:6)