We often feel overwhelmed by the amount of information that is so readily available.
How then can we effectively highlight quality books and resources for our ministry team and parents and families within our church and encourage them to take note and read.
You might like to check out Shelfari from Amazon.
Anyone can create a free account and set up bookshelves that can be easily shared with others via email, your church or kidmin website or through social media. You can also join other reading groups and see what others are reading.
Try setting up book shelves for different subject content or groups- perhaps kidmin books, leadership books, books for families, devotion material and more.
As you add books to your shelves, you can provide a rating plus a description and review of the book. Others can easily obtain the book from Amazon by clicking on the resource for more information and to purchase. It would also work well for any reading group, small group or even a tutoring group.
Check it outhere...