Where can you find graphics?
Now, there are some great sites, like Bigstockphoto and GettyImages that provide quality, royalty-free images for a small cost. After all, you want to do the right thing with copyright for images. You can also find a more limited range of free images from sites like FreeDigitalPhotos or stockxchng that are also royalty-free.
Faith-focused photos
But I'm sure you will have found it difficult to find appropriate images for many of your planned projects for children or family ministry. Now, with LightStock, you can find faith-based photos for just what you need- nativity images, resurrection, for kids' VBS activities, back-to-school, service projects and so much more. They have some great photos; even a simple search, like 'children' produces some wonderful images.
You'll find individual images or collections that showcase a particular artist or a present photos with a similar theme. And, the growing base of faithful believers provides a safe-search environment.
It's easy.
1. Simply sign up and buy credits. Credits can be bought in various packages starting at $10, although there are advantages for purchasing larger credit packages. ( You'll get an extra $5 credit on your birthday.)
2. Search the growing selection of photos and choose your photo.
3. Select an image size and click to download.
You can also join up to share your own images if you have a particular talent in this area. Check out the images here and find a treasure-trove of photos for your next special project for kidmin.