Taking it to the next level
Lance Howerton, director of LifeWay Kids, recently shared some tips to take your next kidmin event to the next level and the article is worth reading. You can check it out here...
Briefly, the main points to consider are:
* Production/ technology. Technology is an integral part of everyday life and it's an expected addition to every planned event. Fortunately, it's also not as expensive to purchase this equipment as previously and it does make a huge difference. Music lyrics on-screen or dvd music clips, animated backgrounds, movie clips,lighting, sound and more all contribute to raise the involvement and excitement level of your event. If you can't purchase your own, you may be able to borrow the required resources.
*Platform. Certainly, you need to have the right people presenting your event, not just those who would like to be up-front.
*Creativity. Don't limit yourself to your past events even if they did go well. Add the excitement of something new and creative. Check out what others are doing. (It's a good idea to sign up to some kidmin blogs to gain some ideas and suggestions.) Check out Pinterest. Involve your creative people in the planning of these special events.
*Practice. Mmmm.... this is something I stress with my team. Top athletes need to practice. Concert pianists need to practice. Seaworld dolphins and their trainers need to practice. Even those performers who joke and quip so easily and naturally have practised until it appears natural and unrehearsed. Practice!
*Evaluation. Many avoid any evaluation because they don't want any negativity. That's not the point. Review and evaluation can be honest without being upsetting. But you need to know of anything that could lessen anyone's enjoyment of your event. For example, we discovered that some kids were racing around in the carpark following an evening event and parents were concerned for their safety as cars exited the grounds. Not good! But we needed to know.. and now we organise carpark attendants both before and after an event.

*Finally.. follow-up. If families from the community have attended your event- great! But how have you planned to follow- up and connect with these families? This needs to be an important part of your planning and not an after-thought. Don't forget to include highlights of your event on your facebook page and/or website, too.
Please download the file below if you'd like a copy of an event evaluation to use or adapt, There are two forms- one for church family to complete and one for those who were helping out with any part of the event. You can also find an online copy here. Copy the file to your own Google Drive ready to email to your volunteers. Once you have your copy in Google Drive, open it and click on Form and then Send Form to send to your team.
Online copy of evaluation form: preview here , and here to obtain form.
Online copy of family ministry volunteers form: preview here... and obtain form here..

outreach_evaluation_form.docx |