![]() I really wish I had an amazing formula to generate continuous energy and enthusiasm for the challenging work of children's ministry. Let's face it- the work is constant, demanding and endless. Special events and programs are rewarding but exhausting, and preparations for regular mid-week and Sunday programs still continue. So..what happens when your motivation wanes and enthusiasm dips? Make sure that you are maintaining your time with God and His Word and your prayertime. Ensure you are allowing yourself some downtime, some time for yourself. Don't fill every waking moment with activity. As a leader, you must ensure that you are spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically replenished. You need to fill your own tank before you can effectively give to others! KidsKount produce some bite-sized (2 minute) video segments to help you do just that... Lead yourself! It's worth checking out.. But it's also helpful to keep in mind that energy and enthusiasm is not required before you start working. In fact, hard work comes before the feeling of enthusiasm. Motivation is largely a myth.. it's activity that inspires us. Don't waste time waiting for enthusiasm to return; work harder even it you don't feel like it. You'll find your motivation returns as you accomplish those tasks you've set yourself. Stay faithful to the work God has given to you to do. And, praise Him as soon as your motivation catches up. I don't sing because I'm happy. I'm happy because I sing. | We overestimate what we can do in the next year... and underestimate what we can do in the next 15 minutes. But, on a practical note, there are some things you can do that will help you complete your tasks: 1. Exercise. 15 minutes a day exercise will help you have more energy and be more productive. 2. Many find it helpful, sometimes, to work away from the usual working environment. Go to the library.. spend the morning at a coffee shop. 3. Play some background music. 4. Make use of the many task management programs and apps to keep focused. I've listed some of the popular ones below: * Wunderlist: simple to-do lists, works on all platforms, tasks can be shared, create tasks from email * Toodledo: powerful task and note-taker app, add reminders, repeats, alarms, add to folders, filter, tag and tweet your completed tasks * Astrid: cloud sync, voice recognition, share tasks, email intergration, add to calendar * Remember the milk. Simple list creation, available across platforms * Priorities. Create tasks and sub-tasks, lists, calendar integration, templates, repeating tasks, |
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