There are certain times, certain seasons, important events on everyone's calendar, that roll around every year- like Palm Sunday, Christmas and Easter. And although we know and expect them it's not easy to find a different way, each year, to present these important truths in a way that resonates with kids and families and impacts lives.
As I mentioned in a previous post, we're using Group's Walk with Jesus but presenting it weekly to the whole church family rather than a full Easter experience, as designed. Our first segment was last week. So I thought it might be helpful to report back and let you know how it went.
The Palm Sunday segment only lasted about 8-10 minutes and again, I wasn't sure whether everyone would interact with the activities (choosing a shout of praise for Jesus and writing it on their card leaf, standing up to wave and cheer for Jesus, and lastly, moving to the centre of the church to lay their palm leaves upon the sandy pathway while singing a closing song of worship.)
So.. what are you planning this year for Palm Sunday and Easter?
walk_with_jesus-_palm_sunday.docx |