Each year, the commercialisation of Easter, the Easter eggs, the bunnies and chicks start filling the store shelves soon after Valentine's Day but often, churches and children's ministries set aside just the Easter weekend. And.. there's nothing wrong with that, but we decided we wanted a stronger emphasis, this year.
So.. we're starting this Sunday and using Group's, Walk with Jesus. Have you checked it out? If you have, you'll know that this is designed as a thought-provoking Easter journey for families as they travel through five stations, each one an important part of the Easter story: the excitement of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, the significance of the Last Supper, the darkness of Gethsemane, the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and the joy of His resurrection.
We have altered the program slightly and we'll present one of these stations each week as the introduction to our church family worship time for the whole church family. There will be such a buzz as kids and families experience and learn together. Sometimes, as I talk with others about resources and kidmin programs, I learn that others are put off using some of these great programs because they don't exactly fit the type of program needed.
Every church is different- every kidmin is different- every pastor, leader, family, child is different. As you evaluate the programs, look for ways that you can adapt and use the wonderful materials for your church's different needs.
And the Walk with Jesus program includes some wonderful resources: great backdrops and scene setting ideas, presentation ideas and resources, background sounds, collector cards, family time together booklet with simple devotional activities, publicity posters and much more.
We will also be spending some time during the week posting additional content on our website and Facebook to reinforce Sunday's experience, to encourage discussion at home and to remind them all to return next week for the next Easter experience at church.
We're really looking forward to this special journey as we get ready to 'Walk with Jesus'. What are you doing for Easter this year? Last year, we presented Rock'nRoll Easter event and it was great! See here..