Sunday programs leave little time to connect with others
Sunday mornings are certainly busy, sometimes exhausting for kidmin leaders, with tasks ranging from setting up the learning areas to organising sign-in areas and parent resources leaving little time to connect with others. Try slipping in the occasional fun activity for your team, following a busy Sunday program, to relax and share some laughter together.
Relax and connect as a team
It doesn't have to be a massive planning commitment- just an opportunity to relax together as a team, enjoy a light meal together and share some fun and laughter. After all, there have been numerous studies done on the positive effects of laughter.

Many families involved in children's ministry struggle to find time for breakfast on Sunday mornings. Plan an occasional fun brunch for your leaders following the Sunday morning program. This provides a relaxed environment for leaders to talk, connect and enjoy the time together.Yes, you could include a time of prayer for your ministry, families and any upcoming event. But, finish by showing a lighthearted, comedy dvd like some of the suggestions below. Set up areas for any leaders' kids, too, with an appropriate dvd showing for them to enjoy.
* Is It Just Me?, or another of the Ken Davis dvds
* Thou Shalt Laugh
* Apostles of Comedy
Give it a go! Insert a little fun into your team building and lighten the Sunday morning routine. (You may find that other Sunday morning ministry teams want to share the fun.)