Kids are motivated to learn and learn best when they are excited- excited about the lesson, excited about the content and the activities they are involved in and excited to share with others.
Bible Memory Buddies
The same principles apply to Bible memorization. Recently, we used Group's Bible Memory Buddies ( a part of their Kingdom Rock VBS materials) and yes, kids were excited! Each Bible verse and Bible point presented is an integral part of the lesson so the kids understand and can apply the verse to the context of their Bible story and lesson. But they can also relate it to their own lives and experience.
Bible verses & Bible points
Each Bible verse is presented by a Kingdom Rock character through a video clip. The clip includes information about the type of animal of each character and relates the information to the Bible point and verse. You can understand more clearly if you view the promotional clip below. These characters really catch the excitement and imagination of kids in much the same way that Disney animated animal characters are a special part of their movies. The kids listen intently to the clips and look forward to seeing the characters.
Collect and share
But, they can also collect each character! And... what is even more exciting for them... the characters come alive using a Kingdom Rock app and repeat the Bible verse and Bible point. Our kids gathered eagerly around and watched as each child's Bible Buddy came alive with the iPad or smart phone. And then they shared the excitement with family and neighbours.
The end result?
But... did they learn the Bible verses? Almost without exception, the children knew the verse and Bible point before the session concluded.