Do you encourage children to learn verses or passages from Scripture?
What verses do you encourage kids to learn?
These questions and more are often asked by children's ministry leaders? In many passages of Scripture (Colossians 3:16, Proverbs 7:1-3, Psalm 119:11, Joshua 1:8)
the importance of treasuring and remembering God's Word is highlighted and emphasized as vital to the Christian life.
So. how can you promote Bible memorization with your kids?
How can we encourage it?
Most children's ministry materials include a Bible verse of passage that relates to or reinforces the Bible lesson. This is great. Kids need to understand what they are learning, to put it in context and be able to apply it. So......
a) We ensure that we highlight the verse in our teaching. We put the verse on a powerpoint slide if doesn't already go up onscreen with our program and we pop the slide up frequently during our program.
b) We make the kids jump up whenever the verse comes up onscreen and we repeat it together.
c) We include actions whenever possible.
d) We award points to the team that says the verse best, or without looking, or in the quietest whisper, or with their backs turned, or with the actions.
e) The verse is included in the craft activity and often in the game, too.
f) The verse is included in the take-home materials.

Sometimes, your programs will not include any suggestions for Bible memorization. What verses do you encourage kids to learn?
Remember, it's best if the verse/s chosen relate to your lesson. Some verses are easier to learn than others, too. I've included a link to some suggested verses below.Think about the Bible translation, too. I prefer to use the King James version. Yes, I know many would opt for a more modern version. But verses from the King James have a measured meter and rhythm that assists memorization. (Sort of like how it's easier to learn words to a song or a poem than just prose.)
It's also helpful for memorization to hear the verses repeated often. If you regularly use the same translation yourself (and they hear the same words/ translation in church, too) this will reinforce their learning.
Set a Goal It's important, then, to set a goal for Bible memorization with your kidmin. It may be your goal for each child to learn a verse a week. It may be that each child will learn a passage of Scripture by the end of the term. Form a Plan Decide how you will teach the Scripture, how you will reinforce it and how you will encourage memorization. And... stick with your plan. Choose your verses or passages. See some suggestions below. Be Creative. Make it fun! Add variety and excitement to your approach. I'll be looking at some different ideas and creative approaches to Bible memorization over the next few posts, so check back frequently or subscribe to this blog. | Let's start now! Today, take a look at Scripture Fun- a dvd that makesBible memory fun for kids- due for release August '13. Check it out HERE! |