* The Action Bible $15.99 -includes over 200 fast-paced narraties that communicate biblical truth clearly and forcefully to contemporary listeners.
* Adventure Bible Memory Free & paid versions - Bible memory is fun with the Adventure Bible Memory app for iPad. Do verse scrambles, fill in the blanks, earn cool prizes and even record your own voice.
* Granny's Bible Dojo - fast action board crackin' game providing the best experience you'll ever have learning the order of the books of the Bible.
* Noah's Ark and David & Goliath by TabTale $1.19 -provides endless hours of pleasure through its beautiful and instructive storyline and fascinating interactives.
* Bible movies - collection of apps on the BIble for children of ages 3-13 yrs; comic apps and film apps
* Bible Stories Word Search $1.19 - each word search game has its own background; email the games to your family so they can print them out and enjoy the search puzzles
* Big Bible Maps $3.99 -408 locations, cities, towns, kingdoms etc in the BIble are mapped with detailed descriptions. Dynamic touch maps serve as your guide.
* Cecil the Sheep $3.99 -the story of the lost sheep (Cecil) fully narrated plus sound effects and animation; includes colouring in activity, maze and puzzle
* Bible Colouring Stories Adam and Eve (and others) $1.19 -27 colouring pages, listen to the story while colouring, colour options, email your creations
* Bible Stories Hidden Pictures $1.19 -find hidden objects and complete each puzzle; as you complete each puzzle, a new one opens up.
* The Ten Plagues (other titles by Concordia Pub) $2.49 -engage children with colourful illustrations and biblically accurate poems; turns the pages for you; tells the story in dramatic fashion; lets you record yourself reading the story
* Jonah and the Whale $1.19 - play the game; launch Jonah towards the shores of Ninevah; bounce on bubbles, swim with dolphins; complete with a story mode for retelling of Jonah's adventure.
* Steps2Peace Free -easy and fun way to explain the Good News using cool graphics and verses from God's word in four simple steps
* A Family Matters $2.49 - gives you a set of questions and conversation starting activities designed to engage everyone of all ages and develop communication; create your own activities and store them.