But you also might like to consider the 'Truth or Trash' iPhone app, from iKAN Ministries, to use in conjunction with your programs or discussions. The game app was produced to help kids discern the difference between the potentially harmful opinions of others and real truth. It also includes a Scripture reference after each question/answer.
' Imagine a day in your life when you are not longer affected by what others think or say about you. Throughout your life many people will have their opinions of you. It's hard at times not to feel rejected or worthless. This game is designed to help children and adults quickly recognise the difference between someone's opinion, general facts and what is really true.' Check it out here...
1. The Protectors... Comprehensive Freedom-From-Bullying Programs and Resources
2. Stop Harassing Me Postcard program... an effective program to reduce instances of cyberbullying for older students.
3. Comforting Kids in Crisis... practical ways to help kids through their greatest challenges.
4.Fez and the Big Bad Bully.... a Bible memory buddy book from Group about standing up to bullies
5. StarShip Alpha.... a five-week program from LifeChurch dealing with the topic of bullying.
6. The Great Race.. a program from Elevate about Nehemiah. Week 3 deals particularly with bullying.
7.Truth or Trash... app as above